Monday 30 January 2017

Priority Selector ( Verilog ) with Test Fixture

This is a program to select three output on the basis of priority ... ...

Test Fixture Program :-

module tf_Ps_vlog;

reg a;
reg b;
reg c;

wire firstout;
wire secondout;
wire thirdout;

Ps_vlog uut (

initial begin

a = 0;b = 0;c = 0;#100;
a = 0;b = 0;c = 1;#100;
a = 0;b = 1;c = 0;#100;
a = 0;b = 1;c = 1;#100;
a = 1;b = 0;c = 0;#100;
a = 1;b = 0;c = 1;#100;
a = 1;b = 1;c = 0;#100;
a = 1;b = 1;c = 1;#100;


Program for Function Implementation (  VERILOG  ) :-

module Ps_vlog(
  input a, input b, input c,
      output firstout,
  output secondout,output thirdout);

assign firstout = a;
assign secondout = ~a & b;
assign thirdout = ~a & ~b & c;

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