Monday, 16 June 2014

VHDL Syntax Reference

1. Signal Assignment 

 signal R: std_logic;
 signal Q: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

 A single bit is enclosed using a single quotation:
 R <= ‘1’;

 Multiple bits are enclosed using a double quotation:
 Q <= “10110000”;

 Hexadecimals are represented using X”….”:
 Q <= X”B0”;

2. Variables 
 Variables are objects used to store intermediate values between sequential VHDL
statements. Variables are only allowed in processes, procedures, and functions, and they
are always local to those functions. When a value is assigned to a variable, “:=” is used.


 signal Grant, Select: std_logic;

 process(Rst, Clk)
 variable Q1, Q2, Q3: std_logic;
 if Rst=’1’ then
 Q1 := ‘0’; Q2 := ‘0’; Q3 := ‘0’;
 elseif (Clk=’1’ and Clk’event) then
 Q1 := Grant;
 Q2 := Select;
 Q3 := Q1 or Q2;
 end if;
 end process;

Note: Both signals and variables carry data from place to place. However, you must
always use signals to carry information between concurrent elements of your design.

3. If-then-else Statement 

 if Boolean_expr_1 then
 elsif Boolean_expr_2 then
 elsif Boolean_expr_3 then
 sequential statements;
 end if;

 process ( a, b, m, n)
 if m = n then
 r <= a + b;
 elsif m > 0 then
 r <= a – b;
 r <= a + 1;
 end if;

4. Case Statement 

 case sel is
 when choice_1 =>
 when choice_2 =>
 . . .
 when others =>

 end case;

 case sel is
 when “00” =>
 r <= a + b;
 when “10”
 r <= a – b;
 when others =>
 r <= a + 1;
 end case;

5. For Loop 

 for index in loop_range loop
 sequential statements;
 end loop;


 constant MAX: integer := 8;
 signal a, b, y: std_logic_vector(MAX-1 downto 0);
 for i in (MAX-1) downto 0 loop
 y(i) <= a(i) xor b(i)
 end loop;

6. While Loop 

 loop_name: while (condition) loop
 ---repeated statements
 end loop loop_name;

 while error_flag /= ‘1’ and done /=’1’ loop
 Clock <= not Clock;
 wait for CLK_PERIOD/2;

 end loop;

7. Infinite Loop 

 loop_name: loop
 exit when (condition)
 end loop loop_name;

 Clock <= not Clock;
 wait for CLK_PERIOD/2;
 if done = ‘1’ or error_flag = ‘1’ then
 end if;
 end loop;

8. Conditional Signal Assignment 

 signal_name <= value_expr_1 when Boolean_expr_1 else
 value_expr_2 when Boolean_expr_2 else
 value_expr_3 when Boolean_expr_3 else


 x <= a when (s=”00”) else
 b when (s=”01”) else
 c when (s=”10”) else
 d when (x=”11”) else

9. Selected Signal Assignment 

 with select_expression select

 signal_name <= value_expr_1 when choice_1,
value_expr_2 when choice_2,
 value_expr_n when choice_n;

 with s select
 x <= a when “00”,
 b when “01”,
 c when “10”,
 d when others;

10. Wait Statements 

 wait on signals;
 wait until Boolean_expr;
 wait for time_expr;

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